2004-11-20 12:07:34 UTC
Powerbook 5300ce for sale as a whole at $50. If not sold whole, will
consider selling as parts in Plymouth. Contact <***@labyrinth.net.au>
Powerbook 5300c with 117MHz motherboard (with 16 mb ram onboard)- $15
48 mb additional RAM card (for total of 64 mb ram)- $25
Active Matrix screen, case, hinges and cable- $15
left and right clutch covers- $8
2 gig hard drive with clean install of OS 8.6- $8
hard drive cage and connector cable $5
good floppy drive $5
good keyboard $5
tappable trackpad (from a 190), palmrest and clicker button $10
bottom plastic case with 3 Torx screws $10
battery- holds charge $5
pram battery- holds charge $3
AC adapter and cord $10
consider selling as parts in Plymouth. Contact <***@labyrinth.net.au>
Powerbook 5300c with 117MHz motherboard (with 16 mb ram onboard)- $15
48 mb additional RAM card (for total of 64 mb ram)- $25
Active Matrix screen, case, hinges and cable- $15
left and right clutch covers- $8
2 gig hard drive with clean install of OS 8.6- $8
hard drive cage and connector cable $5
good floppy drive $5
good keyboard $5
tappable trackpad (from a 190), palmrest and clicker button $10
bottom plastic case with 3 Torx screws $10
battery- holds charge $5
pram battery- holds charge $3
AC adapter and cord $10